National Pharmaceutical Association- Atlanta Gates City Chapter

NPhA is working to establish new Chapters and reactivate legacy Chapters and affiliates. As part of this ongoing effort, NPhA is pleased to provide a Chapter Development Workshop series for existing local NPhA chapters and affiliates. The purpose of the series is to provide additional guidance and an open forum to local chapter officers and members to increase sustainability of local chapters. 

Fundraising and Chapter Financial Management | May 3, 2024

Workshop Goals: Provide ideas for local chapters to generate revenue, and discuss steps to establish organization and open local chapter bank account.

Developing an Annual Calendar | June 6, 2024

Workshop Goals: Highlight the type of events that a local chapter should plan for annually.

Planning for an Annual Meeting | TBA, will be held at the 2024 NPhA | SNPhA Convention

Workshop Goals: Discuss the steps to plan an annual meeting for a local chapter.

Interested in attending any of the above? Contact us for more information.